GWT - PHP on Apache 3rd Review

Yesterday, on the GWT training session at PPK, Ilhamy (one of my internship student) told me he found another way to communicate GWT with PHP. Actually it's very simple solution without need to configure Apache.

In the solution, the project must located in /htdocs folder and compiler argument must be configured.

The original argument:

-remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -startupUrl GWTPHP.html -logLevel INFO -codeServerPort 9997 -port 8888 -war C:\xampp\htdocs\GWTPHP\war com.vcari.jscadav2.Jscadav2_gwt

New configuration

-noserver -remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -startupUrl http://localhost/GwtPhp/war/GWTPHP.html -logLevel INFO -codeServerPort 9997 -war C:\xampp\htdocs\GWTPHP\war com.peyotest.gwtphp.GWTPHP

Steps :
  1. add -noserver 
  2. change startup url from GWTPHP.html to full url http://localhost/GwtPhp/war/GWTPHP.html
  3. remove server port  -codeServerPort 9997 
The full article about this can be found here:


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