.NET Licensing

I'm going to put the license component in my .Net program and considering the license for developer and run time.Microsoft already provide several licensing model in .NET such as Registry or Lic File.As for me, I'm prefer to use WMI with a propitiatory algorithm such as encryption to generate the license as I can generate an unique license key for each computer.

This how we could do that :

For Developer (Design Time) :

if (System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.CurrentContext.UsageMode ==
throw new System.Exception("Design Time License Required");

For run time :

if (System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.CurrentContext.UsageMode == System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode.Runtime)
throw new System.Exception("Run Time License Required");

For more details you can refer to these links :

  1. http://www.developer.com/net/net/article.php/11087_3074001_1/Applications-Licensing-using-the-NET-Framework.htm
  2. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fe8b1eh9.aspx

How to display your web site logo on the address bar and in the favorites list

Source : http://www.chami.com/tips/internet/110599I.html

Want to make your web site standout in crowded favorites lists in browsers and address bars? How about displaying your logo next to links to your site.
First, you have to create a logo for your site; a very tiny logo to be specific. The size of the logo should be 16x16 pixels and it should be saved as a Windows icon file (logo.ico for example). If your image editor doesn't support saving files in Windows icon format, you can use the following online tool or download an icon editor from a shareware site.

Once you have an icon file with your logo, you're ready to take the final step. Following methods will work in Explorer 5.x and higher without having any negative effects on other browsers.
Method 1
This is the easiest method to implement and it will work regardless of the particular page on your site users choose to add to their favorites list. Don't worry if you don't have access to your web site root; take a look at the next method.
If you have access to the root of your web site, simply save your icon file as "favicon.ico" there. For example, if your web site is "www.chami.com", your icon file should be available at "www.chami.com/favicon.ico". The web browser will look for favicon.ico whenever your site is added to the favorites list and if it is found at the root of your web site, the icon will appear next to the link to your site.
Method 2 If you don't have access to the root of your web site, you have to add the following tag to your web page so that the browser will know where to look for your icon. Unlike before, this time you can save the icon under any name ending with ".ico" We'll use the name "logo.ico" and assume that your web site is under the directory "~your_directory".

<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/%7Eyour_directory/logo.ico">

Above tag should be inserted in-between the and tags.
By the way, you can specify multiple logos for multiple pages using the second method. Simply save your icons using unique names, such as logo1.ico, logo2.ico, logo3.ico for example, and replace "logo.ico" in the above HTML code with the name of the icon you want to use for any particular page.
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