GXT Grid Anchor Cell

In previous post, I wrote about my solution to render image & link in grid cell.
This is the generic class to handle it.

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import com.google.gwt.cell.client.AbstractCell;
import com.google.gwt.cell.client.ValueUpdater;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element;
import com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent;
import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtmlBuilder;
import com.google.gwt.safehtml.shared.SafeHtmlUtils;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;
import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.ValueProvider;

public class AnchorLinkCell<T> extends AbstractCell<T> {

    String imgURL = "";
    String styleClass = "";
    AsyncCallback<T> callback;
    ValueProvider<T, String> vp;

    public AnchorLinkCell(String imgURL, ValueProvider<T, String> vp, String styleClass, AsyncCallback<T> callback) {
        this.imgURL = imgURL;
        this.callback = callback;
        this.styleClass = styleClass;
        this.vp = vp;

    public void render(com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context, T value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
        sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div class=\"" + this.styleClass + "\" style='cursor: pointer'/>");
        if (imgURL != "") {
            sb.appendHtmlConstant("<img src='" + imgURL + "' style='cursor: pointer'/> ");

    public Set<String> getConsumedEvents() {
        Set<String> events = new HashSet<String>();
        return events;

    public void onBrowserEvent(com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context context, Element parent, T value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<T> valueUpdater) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);
        if (parent.getFirstChildElement().isOrHasChild(Element.as(event.getEventTarget()))) {

Steps :

1. Declare column config with bean parameters and set the value as the identity of the bean.
ColumnConfig<PremiseBean, PremiseBean> prm_companyColumn = new ColumnConfig<PremiseBean, PremiseBean>(props.identity(), 150,"Company Name");

2. This can be done by adding an identity value provider in the property access interface.
IdentityValueProvider<PremiseBean> identity();

3. Declare the AnchorLinkCell and set the column cell.
AnchorLinkCell<PremiseBean> acLink=new AnchorLinkCell<PremiseBeanHelper.PremiseBean>("images/icons/add.png",props.prm_name(), "myLinkStyleNameinCSS", new AsyncCallback<PremiseBean>() {

    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

    public void onSuccess(PremiseBean result) {
        Info.display("AnchorLinkCall Test", result.getPk());                                


4. Do the rest steps for the grid


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