I know the web browser support content compression so a gave it a look.I chose to use the most simple solution, Apache compression. I just need to set .htaccess configuration and copy to your web folder.
Steps :
1. Enable Apache mod_deflate. mod_gzip is better but I don't have the extension. Open Apache configuration file and turn on the settings.
LoadModule deflate_module modules/mod_deflate.so
2. Create .htaccess file and paste these configuration. I want to compress all files with js, css, html, htm and php extensions.
<FilesMatch "(?i)^.*\.(js|css|html|htm|php)$">
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
3. Restart Apache. Done.
Try to open your web and use firebug to see your file downloads.
I was successfully, reduce the file download from 600Kb (After GWT code splitting) to 250Kb. So the total I saved around 800Kb and speed up my system.